A Comprehensive Introduction to Kubernetes
It is a open source container orchestration tool.
Kubernetes is used to deploy any type of containers.
It is used to ensure High availability of the applications/services running through containers.
Used to ensure high availability of containers by creating replicas of container.
It supports auto scaling and load balancing.
Kubernetes Concepts / Terminologies
- Used to Create and Schedule the Deployments to Kubernetes_WorkerNodes
- Target Sever
- Is a Command Line Utility to interract with Kubernetes Master.
Kubernetes Architecture & its Components!
- Acts as interface to the Kubernetes.
- Single point of source for Kubernetes components
- To identify the health node for deployments
Controller Manager
- To run the pods in its desired state.
- It is a Kubernetes agent used to create and deploy the pods.
- Is used to enable pod networking by creating pod IP address.
CRI - Container RunTime Interface
- It is used to identify the image from the container Registry for deployment
Atomic unit of Schedule
Smallest unit of Task
Any Task we execute in Kubernetes will be executed as Pod
Pod runs the container within that.
Kubernetes Cluster
- Kubernetes Cluster is a Collection of Worker Nodes
Install and Configure Kubernetes Master Node and Worker Nodes using Kubeadm
For detailed installation steps redirect to this blog post
High level overview of installation process
Need 3 nodes
Kubernetes Master
Following Commands to be executed in all the Nodes(Master&Worker)
Launch 3 EC2 Instances - Ubuntu v22.04
Update Inbound Rule - Security Group
Set the Host Name
- Disable Swap
Install Docker
Install Container-D (CRI)
Configure Net-Filter Module
Configure IP6 Table Ref.
Download Container-Package using curl command
Install Container-D
Configure Container-D Config.toml file
Restart Container-D
Install Kubeadm,Kubectl,Kubelet
Download using curl command
Enable kubelet
Following Commands to be executed only in Master Node
- kubeadm init # To initialize Master Node
Following Commands to be executed in all Worker Nodes
- kubeadm join # To Attach Worker Nodes to Master Node.
Create a Pod
# nginx-pod.yaml
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: nginx-pod
app: nginx
tier: dev
- name: nginx-container
image: nginx
- containerPort: 80
Create and display Pods
kubectl create -f nginx-pod.yaml
kubectl get pod
kubectl get pod -o wide #To get the ip address of the pod
kubectl get pod nginx-pod -o yaml #To read the actual YAML file
kubectl describe pod nginx-pod # TO get the complete properties
Test & Delete
To Login to the Pod
kubectl exec -it nginx-pod -- bash exit
Expose PODS using NodePort service
Node-Port Range : 30000 - 32767
kubectl expose pod nginx-pod --type=NodePort --port=80
Display Service and find NodePort
kubectl describe svc nginx-pod
Open Web-browser and access webpage using
Delete pod & svc
kubectl delete svc nginx-pod
kubectl delete pod nginx-pod